Sunday, November 14, 2010

Dia De Los Muertos

For you, Marilu,
I put the shirt you gave me the last time
I saw you neatly in my closet
I remember when you used to call me "Patita" and
when we used to look out the window and spit on people's heads
I have the smell of the beautiful scent of the soap of the dishes that
we used to fight and get all wet
I imagine you coming back running towards me and screaming
my name saying you came back
If you come back I would say "I missed you this whole time you were gone!"
and give you a big hug
I will never take you off my heart, the tears coming down my face means
why you left me we had to be together forever
Since you are gone I feel alone in this world where is too hard
to trust somebody else that isn't you
The best memory I remember and I'll never forget is when
everytime I used to go to your house we would
do chores with the radio outloud and we would dance
This poem is to my biggest bestfriend Marilu that all the
times that we did together are going to stay deep inside.
              The Owner of My Heart!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sometimes I wonder if I wear a mask or if the mask is controlling me?

 Sometimes I wonder if I wear a mask
or if the mask is controlling me?

 Not letting you put me down....

I wear the mask that makes a grin on my face
and lies to people around you, I let no one
see through this dark brown eyes the madness
I have inside with the darkness full of nightmares of the past

I wear the mask that protects me and means
"I don't need no one to overcome my obstacles!" is the common answer
"I overcome the myself with no help!

    I like being alone!

I don't need people putting bad stuff in my head that will
make me do bad choices,

            I don't need your love!"

My shattered heart is turning closer to stone

 Sometimes I wonder if I wear a mask
or if the mask is controlling me?

Not letting you put me down...

 Trapped in the twists and turns of my problems
thinking that is too hard to overcome those obstacles

I don't want them to compare other people to me

  Look she's cranky--- What an attitude!

  Look she has bad grades--- What a dumb girl

   I hide those struggles inside of me so people around
me won't know the pain I have

                        My pain,
                          But I'm not so stealth.

But in my silence and loneliness there is too much
going on inside my mind

A simple truth that needs to be heard

 I'm a human like anyone else I need support from the people
that really care for me

            I deserve the love from every human
   But I have to give the love they deserve first

 I have to take this mask off, free myself from
everything I can't get out from

         Of what's best for me!
 So I can start a better life that I've never lived before-
                                                              Free from everything....